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Case Intake Form

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    Educator-Organizer: If you could save a life would it be worth your time? Our TRUE Education Program doesn’t cost anything, while you are doing what you normally do every day in your personal one-on-one conversations of posting through social media outlets.  We ask you to learn and then serve.


    As one of our T.R.U.E Educators / Organizers you would be sharing the content we distribute to your media outlets and essentially be another voice helping bring this much-needed message to the forefront.  


    You will also be asked to participate in helping organize training events and bring others into the organization. Sharing opportunities and improving charitable giving to expand the network of TRUE Educators and Operators to save the lives of young people is imperative to our success.

  • Trainer: Those with a background in self defense, or those who are willing to learn the children’s anti-abduction and defense program we teach called, S.A.F.E.  Which stands for "See - Avoid - Fight - Express".  The concepts and techniques taught in this short class are easy to understand and implement.

    Our objective is to have NO CHILD UNTRAINED in your local area.  It's for this reason, we teach this class for free to all children 6 and older, up to the age of 17.


    Your role would be to work with the Educators / Organizers to put together training events for children and their families and teach this 2-3 hr class. 


    You should also participate in the similar role as the Educators / Organizers to perpetuate the work.

  • For those interested in becoming or sponsoring a CHT Certified Operator - This is where participating gets serious. Certified Operators are trained in the mentality, skill, and tactics of working side by side with local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies. They have the opportunity to actually conduct live stings and rescue operations.


    There are three levels of Operator Participation:


    Tier 3 - The life of our Operators starts right here. This is a $5,000 Certification Training Program that takes place over 3 days at our facility in Utah called the Grey Site. This program does not include the Full Kit Out. You will be trained and certified as a Counter Human Trafficking Operators and have the ability to operate in the field if you so desire.


    Tier 2 - These individuals are fully trained and certified to work as operators same as Level One, with the exception that you have participated in our full Team Kit Out program and the monthly Grey Site membership for ongoing and continuous development. You may be participating in local area Live Ops and are allowed to participate in our T.R.U.E sting and rescue operations in a domestic capacity. This endeavor is not full-time.


    Tier 1 - This is the pinnacle of the Operator Program and is not available to everyone. The level of trust our operators need to have to pass an individual on to Tier One is without question or hesitation based on mentality, character, and skill. These individuals are full time in this endeavor and they are either self-funded or they have gathered financial sponsors that allow the support needed for them to do this work completely immersed. Tier One Operators must come through Level Three and/or Level Two, and are working directly with T.R.U.E on both domestic and foreign operations.


    Connect with us so we can answer any questions you may have about getting involved. What you need to participate at this level is pass Federal Firearms Background Check and have the mind and heart. We can give you everything else. Law Enforcement or Military experience is not required.

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